Sobriety Court
What is it?
What do we do?
How to Refer?
A specialty court for non-violent offenders who have two or more DWI convictions and meet the criteria for alcohol abuse/dependence. Sobriety Court is an intensive program dedicated to the intervention, accountability and recovery of DWI offenders. Program requirements include treatment, alcohol ETG and drug testing, case management services, individual and group counseling and twelve step meetings.
Sobriety Court consists of a multidisciplinary team to include Judges, Case Managers, Probation/Parole officers, Treatment providers and Public Defenders. The team works together with the participant to reduce the incidence of alcohol and drug use and to help the participant live a healthy, prosperous and drug free lifestyle. Sobriety Court models were created to help reduce alcohol and substance abuse, crime and recidivism rates.
Non-violent offenders with indicators of a serious alcohol problem or high BAC at the time of arrest. The program will accept offenders as a part of their sentence and accepted by the district attorney and felony probation.
Community Resources
Legal Forms and Templates
Forms & Handouts
Contact Information
Shannon Hattier, Specialty Court Coordinator
(985) 288-5771 or email at
Shannon Thornhill, Case Manager
(985) 288-5771 or email at
Virtual Court
Presiding Judge, The Honorable Vincent Lobello pictured above with recent 2023 graduates of the 22nd JDC Sobriety Court Program.